August 12, 2012

Searching Document or Form Library items using JQuery

JQuery plays an important role in the Sharepoint or you can say, web development. It will sound interesting to you that we can use the jquery even for searching items from a document, form or images library. 

I have used the jquery , found on the "Sharepoint Kings Blog" ( thanx for sharing this jquery), with the custom searching scope to search the items from a particular document library.

To implement the jquery for searching, we need to do the following steps:
1) Create custom search scope.
2) Create webpart page.
3) Adding CEWP (content editor webpart) and pasting the jquery in source editor tab.
4) Changing the Scope attribute to the custom new scope (if required).

So, to create the custom scopes,
1) Go to Site Actions > Site Settings
2) Under Site Collection Administration > Search Scopes
3) On next page, click New Scope
4) Click OK.

After creating the custom scope, we need to add rules to the custom scopes. On the view scopes page, click Add Rules, next to the newly created search scope.

1) In Scope Rule Type, Select the Web Address option.
2) In Web Address, Select Folder and enter the url of the library from which you want to search the items( you can create the rules as per your requirement).
3) In Behaviour, Select Require.
4) Click OK.

Now, you are done with creating custom search scope and rules. Its time to add the CEWP. Edit the page where you want to display the search results and add CEWP. In the source editor button, paste the below Jquery and update the following
1)url of the  jquery-1.3.2.min.js file (at the top of the jquery).
2) update the Scope with the name of the new custom search scope under "Customizable parameters ".

<script type="text/javascript" src="/_LAYOUTS/1033/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

// *** Customizable parameters ***

var quickSearchConfig = {
delay: 500, // time to wait before executing the query (in ms)
minCharacters: 3, // minimum nr of characters to enter before search
scope: "CustomSearchScopeName", // search scope to use
numberOfResults: 75, // number of results to show
resultsAnimation: 200, // animation time (in ms) of the search results
resultAnimation: 0 // animation time (in ms) of individual result (when selected)

<style type="text/css">

background: white;
border: 1px solid white;
margin-left: 2px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
background: #EEEEEE;
border: 1px solid Gray;
margin-left: 2px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
<table id="quickSearchTable" class="ms-sbtable ms-sbtable-ex" border="0" style="width:50%">
<tr class="ms-sbrow">
<td class="ms-sbcell">
<input style="width: 50%" id="quickSearchTextBox" class="ms-sbplain" title="Enter search words"
style="width: 170px" alt="Enter search words" maxlength="200" value="" />
<td class="ms-sbgo ms-sbcell" style="width: 14px">
<img title="Go Search" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-right-width: 0px" alt="Go Search" src="/_layouts/images/gosearch.gif" />
<td style="width: 1px">
<div id="quickSearchResults" style="display: none;">

<script type="text/javascript">

var quickSearchTimer;
var quickSearchSelectedDivIndex = -1;

function showResultsDiv(text) {

var div = $("#quickSearchResults");
var prevTable = div.prev();

var divCss = {

"left": prevTable.offset().left,
"padding": 2,
"position": "absolute",
"top": prevTable.offset().top + prevTable.height() + 1,
"border": "1px solid #7f9db9",
"width": prevTable.width() - 3,
"background": "white",
"max-width": prevTable.width() - 3



$(document).ready(function() {

$('#quickSearchTextBox').keyup(function(event) {
var previousSelected = quickSearchSelectedDivIndex;

// catch some keys

switch(event.keyCode) {
case 13: // enter
var selectedDiv = $("#quickSearchResults>div:eq(" + quickSearchSelectedDivIndex + ") a");
if(selectedDiv.length == 1)
window.location = selectedDiv.attr("href");
case 38: // key up
case 40: // key down
quickSearchSelectedDivIndex ++;

// check bounds

if(quickSearchSelectedDivIndex != previousSelected) {
if(quickSearchSelectedDivIndex < 0)
quickSearchSelectedDivIndex = 0;
if(quickSearchSelectedDivIndex >= $("#quickSearchResults>div").length -1)
quickSearchSelectedDivIndex = $("#quickSearchResults>div").length - 2;

// select new div, unselect the previous selected

if(quickSearchSelectedDivIndex > -1) {
if(quickSearchSelectedDivIndex != previousSelected) {
unSelectDiv( $("#quickSearchResults>div:eq(" + previousSelected + ")"));
selectDiv($("#quickSearchResults>div:eq(" + quickSearchSelectedDivIndex + ")"));

// if the query is different from the previous one, search again

if($('#quickSearchTextBox').data("query") != $('#quickSearchTextBox').val()) {
if (quickSearchTimer != null) // cancel the delayed event
quickSearchTimer = setTimeout(function() { // delay the searching
$("#quickSearchResults").fadeOut(200, initSearch);
} , quickSearchConfig.delay);

function unSelectDiv(div) {

// first stop all animations still in progress


$("#details", div).hide();

function selectDiv(div) {

$("#details", div).slideDown(quickSearchConfig.resultAnimation);

function initSearch() {

// first store query in data
$('#quickSearchTextBox').data("query", $('#quickSearchTextBox').val());

// clear the results


// start the search

var query = $("#quickSearchTextBox").val();
if(query.length >= quickSearchConfig.minCharacters) {
showResultsDiv("Searching ..."); // display status

function search(query) {

quickSearchSelectedDivIndex = -1;
var queryXML =
"<QueryPacket xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search.Query' Revision='1000'> \
<Query domain='QDomain'> \
<SupportedFormats><Format>urn:Microsoft.Search.Response.Document.Document</Format></SupportedFormats> \
<Context> \
<QueryText language='en-US' type='STRING' >SCOPE:\"" + quickSearchConfig.scope + "\"" + query + "</QueryText> \
</Context> \
<SortByProperties><SortByProperty name='Rank' direction='Descending' order='1'/></SortByProperties> \
<Range><StartAt>1</StartAt><Count>" + quickSearchConfig.numberOfResults + "</Count></Range> \
<EnableStemming>false</EnableStemming> \
<TrimDuplicates>true</TrimDuplicates> \
<IgnoreAllNoiseQuery>true</IgnoreAllNoiseQuery> \
<ImplicitAndBehavior>true</ImplicitAndBehavior> \
<IncludeRelevanceResults>true</IncludeRelevanceResults> \
<IncludeSpecialTermResults>true</IncludeSpecialTermResults> \
<IncludeHighConfidenceResults>true</IncludeHighConfidenceResults> \

var soapEnv =

"<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap=''> \
<soap:Body> \
<Query xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search'> \
<queryXml>" + escapeHTML(queryXML) + "</queryXml> \
</Query> \
</soap:Body> \


url: "/_vti_bin/search.asmx",
type: "POST",
dataType: "xml",
data: soapEnv,
complete: processResult,
contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""

function processResult(xData, status) {

var html = "";
$(xData.responseXML).find("QueryResult").each(function() {
var divWidh = $("#quickSearchTable").width() - 13;

var x = $("<xml>" + $(this).text() + "</xml>");

x.find("Document").each(function() {
var title = $("Title", $(this)).text();
var url = $("Action>LinkUrl", $(this)).text();
var description = $("Description", $(this)).text()

html +=

"<div class='quickSearchResultDivUnselected' style='width:" + divWidh + "px;max-width:" + divWidh +"px'> \
<a href='" + url + "'>" + $("Title", $(this)).text() + "</a> \
<div style='display:none' id='details' style='margin-left:10px'>"
+ description +
"<br/>" + url + " \
</div> \
if(x.find("TotalAvailable").text() != "")
html += "<div style='text-align:right'>Total results: " + x.find("TotalAvailable").text() + "</div>";
html += "<div style='text-align:right'>Total results: 0</div>";


function() { selectDiv($(this).parent()); },
function() { unSelectDiv($(this).parent()); }

function escapeHTML (str) {

return str.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;');

Save the page.

 Now, enter the string into the text box and your search result will display like the below image.

August 8, 2012

Error while removing WSP from MOSS/Sharepoint

I found this article on "Alex Thissen" blog. Thank"Alex" for sharing this topic with us.

Sometimes, while or after installing wsp(solution) into MOSS/Sharepoint, we face error. As a result, we could not even retract or remove the solution from Soution Management in Central Administration. So, follow the below specified steps and remove the malfunctioning wsp from moss.

It could happen that you (or whatever) accidentally break a deployed solution on a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (or MOSS 2007 for that matter) farm or site. If that happens, you can no longer retract and/or remove a solution by using the Operations part of the Central Administration website. It will show up as an error in the list of solutions under "Solution Management".
So how do you go about removing the solution entirely? You can use the command-line tool STSADM.exe which can be found under "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN" for a normal installation of WSS 3.0. Let's assume that the malfunctioning solution is called HelloWorldWebPart.wsp.
To see a list of all solutions that are on the server run the enumsolutions operation. Operations are the commands that STSADM.exe will take after the -o command-line argument. This is the way you run all operations. If you need help on a particular one, call STSADM.exe -help operationname.

Like in the output above, the solution (even if malfunctioning) could be deployed. You will need to retract the solution first. This is where you probably run into trouble. When you run the operation retractsolution like this:

 Two things can happen at this point: you either panic or stay cool (or panic in a cool way). Should panic kick in, you probably will try to still forcibly delete the solution by running the deletesolution operation anyway.

Oh no, what to do now? Calm down. Run an enumeration over the scheduled deployments (retractions are considered deployments as well)

The JobId attribute of the deployment gives the GUID for the job that was scheduled but could not run. You can stop the scheduled retraction by running the operation canceldeployment (again, it's not cancelretraction).
stsadm -o canceldeployment -id 2529c788-971c-46a3-b69f-a2a0a1fcc851
At this point the scheduled retraction should be gone, which you can verify by using enumdeployments again.
Now you can read the message of the retractsolution operation again. You would have done so anyway if you just remained calm. The message says that the WSS Administration service hasn't been started yet. Not that strange, since by default it is configured to start manually.

Start the service and run the execadmsvcjobs operation to run all scheduled jobs.

  There you go, no more deployed solution. Now it is just a matter of removing the solution. You can try using the Central Administation website again, because usually the error on the solution has disappeared. 

Otherwise, run the deletesolution operation in STSADM.

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